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Every Contribution Creates a Ripple of Change.

Charities r Us” is dedicated to fostering a supportive community in Tampa Bay by channeling resources and volunteer efforts into local charities that make a real difference.

Our mission is rooted in the belief that by concentrating on the needs of smaller, impactful charities, we can create a stronger, more resilient community. We invite you to join us in this journey of compassion and change, where every helping hand contributes to a brighter future for all

Recent Donors

Join us in celebrating the generous individuals who have recently joined the Charities R Us mission to make a difference. Each donation, big or small, brings us one step closer to a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we’re creating waves of change!


April 30, 2024

Amount Donated

Our Team

Bruce Boudreau

Founder / Philanthropist

A philanthropist for decades, Bruce created one of the most versatile Charity Hubs in the country. One Charity donating to 30+ vetted non profits a year. All sectors are funded, You can never give or help enough is his mission. Blessed with two now young adults his continuing goal is to lead by example in being who you are and the best that you can be.

Elle Boudreau

Volunteer / Liaison

Elle Boudreau is the daughter of the Charities Founder, her high school consisted of both honor academics and athletics. She is currently a sophomore at the University of Oregon and vice president of her sorority. She volunteered for a girls camp in NC for 8 years as well as with her fathers 12 year golf related nonprofit. So excited to have her represent Charitiesrus!

Ozzie Timmons

Ambassador-Milwaukee Brewers

"As a Tampa Bay native and longtime supporter of charitable organizations, when I learned about Charities R Us, and was subsequently asked to come on board, I enthusiastically said ‘Yes!’ " - Current hitting coach for the Milwaukee Brewers-

Jerred Bornschein

JJBIT Consulting - Volunteer / Web Deveopler

At JJBit Consulting, we specialize in leveraging cutting-edge technology to drive your business forward. With a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about innovation, we provide tailored solutions to meet your unique needs in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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